Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Red Monarda or Bee Balm

Monarda or its common name of bee balm or bergamot is now in full bloom. I prefer the red flowers although I have pink Monarda blooming as well. I planted the red flowering plant to attract hummingbirds. In doing some research on the plant I found that there are roughly 16 species of Monarda perennial. It is found in North America ranging in height from 1 to 3 feet. The genus was named for Nicolas Monardes who wrote a book in 1574 describing plants found in the New World.

Native Americans have used the plant for medicinal purposes. A tea made from the plant was used to treat mouth and throat infections caused by dental caries and gingivitis. It is also recognized as a strong antiseptic and used as a poultice for skin infections and minor wounds.

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